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Arlington, Virginia

AER is the Army's own emergency financial assistance organization - dedicated to "Helping the Army Take Care of Its Own." AER is a private nonprofit organization incorporated in 1942 by the Secretary of War and the Chief of Staff of the Army to help Soldiers and their Families.

Army Emergency Relief (AER) was incorporated as a private nonprofit organization on 5 February 1942 under the laws of the District of Columbia for the purpose of collecting and holding funds to relieve distress of members of the Army and their dependents.

Upon merger of Army Relief Society (ARS) with AER on 2 July 1976, AER assumed the ARS mission of providing financial assistance to widows/widowers and orphans of deceased Regular Army personnel.The AER National Headquarters is located in Alexandria, Virginia. Its primary mission is to provide financial assistance to Soldiers, Retirees, and their Families.

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